The CBA was formed in December 2018 and brings the union of 137 companies - among them, as well as Google, are Microsoft, Facebook, media groups and marketing Omnicom and Publicis, Procter&Gamble and Unilever, in addition to the Brazilian Association of Advertisers (ABA), among others. The standards set by this coalition governing the prohibition of intrusive ads, set in 12 categories, such as video ads with self-reproduction with sound, animated Flash banners and pieces that occupy disproportionately large areas on a page:

A Google diz que não é intenção da CBA “banir” anúncios do Chrome (até mesmo porque a maior fonte de receitas da empresa ainda é o Google Ads, por uma ampla margem), mas sim incentivar websites a entregarem os anúnci0s de maneira mais inteligente. Diz a coalizão que a estratégia vem funcionando: cerca de dois terços dos sites que previamente violavam suas diretrizes alteraram suas práticas de propaganda. E o monitoramento já foi feito em cerca de 1 milhão de páginas (menos de 1% da internet).
Some sites, however, are "hacks" to avoid the implementation of their changes: an example is, instead of displaying a banner that take much of the space of a page, some channels are positioning several small and juxtaposed banners. The CBA says it is also identifying those sites.
Fonte: canaltech