World Social Networks Day was a date created by the website Mashable in 2010, as a way of recognizing the digital revolution that made the media a social environment, celebrated since then on the 30th of June.
Portugal joined the date in the year of its creation, in 2010.
The World Day of Social Networking happens June 30.
The day is celebrated by organizing informal meetings of people from all over the world for technological or in person means. Some events are broadcast live online and are open to all, to make a truly social date. The highlight of the meetings will for knowledge sharing on cross-cutting areas to social networks and on the specifics of these.
Some of these events transmit a lot of information to professionals of social networks and/or Marketing for free, of which we can highlight, for example, the Social Media Day Summit.
In fact, every day social networks gain more importance. Despite some pioneering social networks like Myspace are no longer relevant, others have become obsessions, like Facebook and Twitter. Companies themselves have recognized the importance of social networks, using sites like LinkedIn to hire workers. Snapshat, Vine and Instagram are other examples of popular social platforms.
A Social Network is a social structure composed of people or organizations, connected by one or several types of relationships, who share common values and goals. One of the fundamental characteristics in defining networks is their openness, enabling horizontal and non-hierarchical relationships between participants. “Networks are therefore not just another way of structure but not nearly a structure, in the sense that part of its strength lies in the ability to make and break quickly.”
Although one of the principles of the network is its opening and porosity, as a social link, the fundamental connection between people is through identity.
The social networks online can operate at different levels, for example, social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google , Youtube, MySpace, Badoo), Professional networks (Linkedin), community networks (social networks in neighborhoods or cities), political networks, military networks, among others, and allow analyzing how organizations develop their activity, how individuals achieve their goals or measure the capital social – the value that individuals derive from the social network.
Social networks have acquired increasing importance in modern society. They are characterized primarily by self generation of its design, its horizontality and its decentralization.
A common point between the different types of social network is the sharing of information, knowledge, interests and efforts in pursuit of common goals. The intensification of the formation of social networks, in this sense, reflects a process of strengthening Civil Society, in a context of greater democratic participation and social mobilization.
With the various social networks, consumers are in constant contact with the brands. This fact results from the technological revolution, with tablets and smartphones, Puts the world in the hands of consumers, and has, consequently, a revolution at the level of marketing and how companies communicate with consumers. Because of this phenomenon, the marks in the most diverse business areas are to perceive that the techniques marketing traditional are becoming less and less effective and more costly, This is because the segmentation in marketing “traditional” It is much less effective and the measurement of the impact is not immediate, what happens to the marketing digital, and especially with the marketing social networks.
Brands can no longer control or his communication or what is said about them on social networks. The consumer has taken control and is participatory throughout the communication process, even to the point of the marks have to present relevant content as relevant and appropriate to the wants and needs of consumers in order to have “permission” to talk to them. This phenomenon is directly linked to an emerging concept in marketing and communication: earned media (“media won”).
Nowadays, with constant access to the Internet and, consequently, to social networks, consumers honestly convey their opinion about all their experiences with their influence group (friends and followers). What ends up happening is that people start to trust these reviews and information given by the consumers themselves more than the brand's communications.
Marketing on the social networks
Social networks have created a new form of exploitation of the dynamic relationship between companies and their customers, marketing on social networks is more personal and interactive than any other medium, however it is also necessary to note that these new tools that appear every day are increasingly complex and difficult to understand for the common user. A professional management marketing on social networks requires the study and knowledge of other areas such as virtual communities and connections. The marketing and communication go through, so today, a way that is guided by the existence of diverse communication channels, with two pathways through which brands dialogue with their consumers and vice versa.
As redes sociais online apresentam-se atualmente como uma plataforma de interação com clientes e potenciais clientes, promovendo a fidelização. Permitem ainda que esta mesma interação seja em tempo real uma vez que estando estas Redes ligadas 24 horas/dia, 365 dias/ano as empresas e os seus utilizadores estão conectados quase que automaticamente, sabendo sempre a opinião de cada um. Por exemplo, a empresa lança um produto novo mas quer saber se o mesmo irá ter ou não sucesso no mercado, poderá efetuar um questionário aos seus seguidores e após tratamento das respostas sabe se será aceite ou não consoante está ou terá que ser alterado. Isto tudo em tempo real ou numa questão de dias, enquanto que através de outros sistemas antigos isto era tudo muito mais complicado e demorado. As redes sociais permitem mesmo à empresa uma espécie de estudo de mercado com um custo baixíssimo.
Of all existing social networks today, maybe Facebook is one that seems to have the greatest impact given its size and scope and given its ability to also to evolve and reinvent itself, through the many comments from its thousands of users .
Aware of the power and potential of social networks, BeWide aims to help all companies to grow and present results in this environment, through an active, capable and dynamic team.
All you need to do is create a facebook page (or other social network) for your company and we'll take care of the rest!