I remember that morning I arrived late at the cafe with the little ones eyes than a pea? Because… It was not night at the club or movie marathon… I was actually earning some change, well maybe that's not the best way to explain it, let's break it down: I was sitting at the computer with my back bent and full of headaches, with my eyes almost closed, a glass (or a bottle ) Coke on the side and some chips; she was creating a flyer to give life and color to an event! In fact, she was already on her fifth layout proposal because the client was not satisfied (didn't even know what he wanted), ideas were already running out and sleep was increasing… But! I achieved! After several hours of pushing creativity, I made the much-desired flyer, the customer was very satisfied and I was double, happy as hell! All those hours sitting all twisted in the chair were worth it and the few hours I slept, I slept with a very peaceful conscience and proud of having made another customer happy. We must never give up.

We are not trading cards no Computer mice!

After drinking the much-desired coffee that morning, I still went to work, as soon as I got up from my chair, my hands were already frozen due to the position of the keyboard and mouse. After all those hours of work when I finally thought I was going home… the customer comes to ask for a thousand and one changes! Here come the dozens of files “projeto1.ai“, “projeto2-quaseacabado.ai“, “projeto3-talvezfinal.ai“, “projeto4-quasesequaseacabado.ai“….What candle did we catch… But customer satisfaction is more important (although they are not always right), after all, we are the professionals, right? We're here for something!




Day of creation, innovation and appreciation!!!

The day do designer It is marked November 5th! It's the most important day of the year (for us). The day we want to show the world how our world works, that we are not robots or the ideas that customers spend in automatically leave type “is it done in 5 minutes?” No! It doesn't work like that! Many look to photoshop/illustrator (our best friends at work) as “begin”, “perform” and “to finalize”, but these words are made up of dozens of tools, made up of hundreds of functions and that each function is engraved in our mind and we have to push our creativity to make each of them work in the best possible way! Every function gives rise to an idea and every idea gives life to a flyer, a logo, a business card… Sounds mechanical, doesn't it? But it is not, our creativity is something rare, everyone can learn to use the programs but not everyone has the gift of creating and innovating, it is something that is not on the next corner or on sale at the mall so it should be valued and much!

“Graphic design is the ability to create something lean from various considerations and the ability to take the surplus and filter the essentials, achieving satisfaction when it can translate the customer's desire and achieve complete interaction with the receiver.” – Ikko Tanaka


Our dilemma… with the programmer.

We have no shortage of ideas! Our head works at 300km/h, in the same second the client is putting the idea, we've already done a thousand and one projects in our head, we're always one step ahead and that's fantastic! Excellent for us and a big problem for eg… the programmers! Poor things, it really is a danger when they work with us! They can't always put our crazy ideas into practice or keep up with what we say. Nobody is good at everything (I wish) let alone perfect, but there are many projects that are 50/50 and the programmer's part (as fantastic as the idea is), sometimes it's not (never is) completed in the right way. that the designer “scheduled”. It makes us very sad…and (completely) upset! But as we are kind-hearted there, we understand the effort of the web development and we accept them…

dilemma-with-the-programmer - day-dod-esigner --- be-wide

We are what we do!

This text was written by someone who is completely passionate about what he does! He is 100% dedicated and loves his shirt!
It's not meant to offend or criticize others, it's simply written in a seriously fun way of what our day-to-day is like. It looks like fun to sit in a chair and stay like that all day… but it's not, the chair's position is uncomfortable and often all we want is to catch a little air and relax a little. Our world spins in a different way than other people, our ironic way of being with life sometimes is part of the work, of how used we are to deal with the illusion of our creations. We are criticized by many and valued by few. designer It is a profession but above all it is done with passion, with determination and a lot of struggle to reach some level.

When you remember to criticize us, remember how many times we stop going out with friends and family (sometimes we forget to eat) to stay closed at home creating and innovating your company that today is successful thanks to the image that we gave Be professional too, cherish a designer!

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