Regardless of whether your role is that of a client or a programmer, in the process of building a wordpress website it is necessary to be aware of some important aspects that can make all the difference in the success of the website.
Speaking from the customer's point of view, you should always look for a web development agency take the initiative, and put the following best practices into practice, when you ask them to build your website WordPress.
- Basic security to your wordpress website
- Basic optimization for search engines
- Website compatible with mobile devices
- Optimization of the loading speed of pages
Basic security to your wordpress website
The WordPress as a tool to develop websites it is very robust and secure. However, with the right plugins, it can be even more secure, protecting your website from common problems such as spam and forced access attempts.
It is recommended to have a plugin that protects your website from forced access attempts, and another that protects you from spam, which happens a lot if you are going to have a blog on your website. Two basic safety rules that will help keep your website safe and clean from spam.
Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
If out of all the topics I had to choose the most important, this would be it. Optimize your website pages for search engines is critical to the success of your business.
Better known by the acronym SEO (from English “Search Engine Optimization”), refers to a set of strategies with the objective of improving the positioning of your pages in search engines, thus gaining more organic traffic.
Some of the strategies require a lot of effort and time, for this same reason, there are teams specialized in this matter, others are easier, and that can be applied right away in the construction of your wordpress website.
For this purpose, plugins can be used that help implement such strategies, such as the plugin Yoast SEO, which in addition to being free, is the most used, and is well documented.
Website compatible with mobile devices
One of the advantages of working in wordpress is that you can easily build a mobile-friendly wordpress website. An extremely important requirement for enhance the experience of users who want to access your website from their mobile devices.
In addition to the best experience it offers, search engines, such as Google, give preference to websites that are compatible with mobile devices, when they show results of a search. This is due to the fact that more and more people use mobile devices when browsing the internet (nowadays more than 60% of website access comes from mobile devices).
As a customer, you should always demand a mobile-friendly website, which will improve the visibility of your website in search engines, improve the experience of mobile users, increasing the number of visits you receive on your website.
Optimization of the loading speed of page
If you are browsing the internet, and you come to a page that is taking a long time to load, you will not think twice, close the page, and continue your search. This can also happen to anyone who visits your website.
If your pages are taking too many seconds to load, then something is wrong and you should be more concerned about that aspect. Problems can range from images that are too large, server overloaded, some conflicting plugin, etc.
Some tools, for example, Pagespeed Insights, e Pingdom Website Speed can help you identify the problem.
In short
A website that has all these points optimized is a big step to start gaining visibility, start gaining traffic, and attracting customers to your business.
Many other aspects must be considered, and even within these topics discussed here, much remains to be said… But we will always be here to help! 😉